The HAven
Jeffery Harris
Author’s Blurb:
It's the year 1817 when a quiet, peaceful town deep within the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina is attacked by a malevolent witch, a witch who will stop at nothing to tear away the people's faith and peace they all once had! It all started with the Edwards family, a peaceful family of farmers, who soon discover the withering of their crops, followed by missing cattle, and soon their youngest daughter goes missing. What started out with the Edwards family started happening to the rest of the town, leaving many to believe a curse has been placed on the Edwards family, and now most of the frightened town blames them! Soon a preacher named Hezekiah, who has experience with dealing with witch hauntings and demonic curses, sets out to help the family while learning many secrets along the way, such as a local witch who lived just outside of the town and the fact that eighteen years ago four elderly witches, who were responsible for many murders and blamed for the disappearing of many children throughout the Appalachian Mountains, were caught and murdered by a mob of vengeful people. And the night they were killed, the main witch left a curse! Could it be that they returned fulfilling their curse? Or could there be someone else lurking and picking up where they left off? So many secrets along the way of a long journey to discover who or where this witch is. A town that once had peace and fellowship with one another is now torn apart.
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3 reasons we think you should read this book:
The witch on the cover of this book looks like everything my nightmares of witches are made of.
This is a YA fantasy that promises a whole town cursed by witches. I feel like it would be very easy to get lost in this world.
The town blames one of the families under attack!? We must see their redemption!